Why Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is an original superfood and healthy juice
Wheatgrass is grown from sprouted organic wheat seeds. The Grassman uses climate control and rotation planting to ensure the freshest Wheatgrass year-round.
We cut and press our wheatgrass into fresh juice.
Wheatgrass juice contains a concentrated mixture of grain and vegetable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and Chlorophyll.

Wheatgrass is a natural food for pets
Your beloved pets need more than just food from a can or a bag!
Animals in the wild eat grass to stay healthy and energized. Wheatgrass provides relief for digestion problems that cats and dogs experience, and is a source of important vitamins for their skin and hair. Wheatgrass can supply the nutritional base for herbivores such as rabbits, hamsters, birds, turtles, and other pets.
If it walks or flies, it eats Wheatgrass!